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At Or Torah


Or Torah Gathers - Tehillim and Divrei Chizuk - Tragedy in Pittsburgh

Download Shul_Community_Tehillim_Gathering_for_Pittsburgh_Tragedy.MP3


Broken Glass, Shattered Vessels, & Kiddush Hashem - From Kristallnacht to the Pittsburgh Tragedy

Download Broken_Glass_Shattered_Vessels_and_Kiddush_Hashem_-_From_Kristallnacht_to_the_Pittsburgh_Tragedy.MP3

Download Broken_Glass_Shattered_Vessels_and_Kiddush_Hashem_From_Kristalnacht_to_the_Pittsburgh_Tragedy.pdf


Kristallnacht Commemoration at Or Torah - Rebetzin Chaya Small

Download Kristallnacht_Commemoration_at_OT_-_Rebetzin_Chaya_Small.MP3


Become a Parent Who "Gets It": Understanding the Real Life Challenges Our Kids Are Facing

Download Become_a_Parent_Who_Gets_It_-_Understanding_the_Real_Life_Challenges_of_Our_Teens_Today_-_Rabbi_Yaakov_Horowitz_and_Yanky_Greenberger_and_Ed_Loew.MP3


Is There a Biblical Obligation to Pray? Re-examining the Sources in Light of Sefer Shemot - R Menachem Leibtag at OT

Download Is_There_a_Biblical_Obligation_to_Pray__Re-examinging_the_Sources_in_Light_of_Sefer_Shemot_-_R_Menachem_Leibtag_at_OT.MP3

Guest Shiur by R. Menachem Leibtag


Why Moshe Rabeinu is In the Dark Until Choshech - R Menachem Leibtag at OT

Download Why_Moshe_Rabeinu_is_In_the_Dark_Until_Choshech_R_Menachem_Leibtag_at_OT.MP3

Guest Shiur by R. Menachem Leibtag


Wiping Out Amalek - Vendetta or Virtue - R Menachem Leibtag at OT

Download Wiping_Out_Amalek_-_Vendetta_or_Virtue_-_R_Menachem_Leibtage_at_OT.MP3

Guest Shiur by R. Menachem Leibtag


Guest Shiur at OT: Dr. Yael Ziegler on "Moshe: Birth of a Leader"

Download Dr_Yael_Ziegler_at_OT_Moshe_Birth_of_a_Leader.MP3


Guest Shiur: R. David Fohrman at OT - Tanielle Miller Memorial Lecture - Understanding Akeidat Yitzchak

Download Guest_Speaker_at_OT_R_David_Fohrman_for_Tanielle_Miller_zl_Memorial_Lecture_on_Understanding_Akeidat_Yitzchak.MP3


Guest Speaker at OT: Dr. Zev Eleff on Faith After the Holocaust by R. Dr. Eliezer Berkovits z"l

Download Dr._Zev_Eleff_on_Faith_After_the_Holocaust_by_R_Dr_Berkovits_at_OT.MP3

An event on the occasion of the re-publishing of "Faith After the Holocaust" by R. Dr. Eliezer Berkovits z"l


Purim: Turning Fate To Destiny - Guest Speaker R Shay Schachter at OT for Howard Geller zl Memorial Lecture

Download Purim_Turning_Fate_To_Destiny_Guest_Speaker_R_Shay_Schachter_at_OT_for_Howard_Geller_zl_Memorial_Lecture.MP3


A Great Universal and National Day - Divrei Chizuk for OU Tehilim Conf Call - 1 Nisan 5780

Download A_Great_Universal_and_National_Day_-_Divrei_Chizuk_for_OU_Tehilim_Conf_Call_1_Nisan_5780_AUDIO.m4a


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784