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Journey to Selichot

Download PreSelichot_Introduction_Elul_.mp3

These introductory remarks were delivered at Selichot in Elul 5772.


Parshat Reeh: A Vision Of Elul

Download Parshat_Reeh_Rosh_Chodesh_Elul.mp3


Parshat Shoftim: Reading With Fresh Eyes

Download Parshat_Shoftim_Reading_with_F.mp3


Parshat Ki Tetze: Tzedaka Momentum

Download Tzedaka_Momentum_Elul_5771.mp3

Tzedaka as a key to building mitzva momentum.

This drasha was originally delivered on Shabbat Parshat Ki Tetze, Elul 5771, and was recorded on Sunday, September 11, 2011.


Parshat Ki Tetze: Tzedaka for You and For Us

Download Parshat_Ki_Tetze_Tzedaka_for_Y.mp3


Sefer Nehemia Perek 1 & 2

Download Sefer_Nehemia_Ch_1_and_2_3_3.mp3
Download Nehemia_Perek_1_to_4_Walls_and_Gates.pdf


Sefer Nehemia Perek 2 & 3

Download Sefer_Nehemia_Ch_2_and_3.mp3
Download Nehemia_Perek_1_to_4_Part_2_Oldest_Controversy.pdf


Thinking About Return: Rambam Laws of Teshuva Ch 1 - Title & Torah Source

Download Rambam_Hilkhot_Teshuva_Pt_1.mp3


Torah-On-The-Run: Shofar as Tefilla

Download Elul_Torah_Briefing_Shofar_as_.mp3


Torah-On-The-Run: Structure of Selichot Part 1

Download Elul_Torah_Briefing_On_Seder_T.mp3
Download Harerei_Kedem_Seder_Selichot.pdf

This 10 minute shiur following the 6:30am minyan on Tuesdays briefly frames the background for Selichot. It is the Torah of Rav Soloveitchik as recorded in the Sefer Harerai Kedem. It is the first shiur in a three-part series.


Torah-On-The-Run:Structure of Selichot Part 2

Download Elul_Torah_Briefing_On_Seder_T.mp3


Torah-On-The-Run: Structure of Selichot Part 3

Download Elul_Torah_Briefing_On_Seder_T.mp3


Torah On the Run: Structure of Selichot Part 4

Download Elul_Torah_Briefing_On_Seder_T.mp3


Torah On the Run: Structure of Selichot Part 5

Download Elul_Torah_Briefing_On_Seder_T.mp3


We Remember: 9/11 Ten Years Later

Download We_Remember_9.11_Ten_Years_Lat.mp33

Maran HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Av Beit Din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council and of the Rabbinical Council of America's Beth Din, speaking at Congregation Or Torah in Skokie, IL on September 11, 2011.


What Does the Amida Mean? Standing at the Heart of Service Part 1 - Avot

Download What_Does_the_Amida_Mean_Part_.mp3
Download What_Does_The_Amida_Mean_Stand.pdf


What Does the Amida Mean? Standing At The Heart of Service Part 2 - Gevurot

Download What_Does_the_Amida_Mean_Part_.mp3
Download What_Does_The_Amida_Mean_Standing_At_The_Heart_of_Service_Part_2_Gevurot_UPLOAD_Version.pdf


What Does the Amida Mean? Standing At The Heart of Service Part 3 - Gevurot Cont'd

Download What_Does_the_Amida_Mean_Part_.mp3


Highlights of the Machzor: A Refresher Course

Download Highlights_of_the_Machzor_A_Refresher_Course.MP3
Download Machzor_Highlights_Review_A_Refresher_course_Elul_5775.pdf


Pre Selichot Drasha Elul 5776

Download PreSelichot_Drasha_Elul_5776.MP3


Machzor By Moonlight Part 2: Additions to the Bracha of Kedushat Hayom

Download Machzor_By_Moonlight_Part_2_on_Kedushat_Hayom_Elul_5776.MP3
Download Machzor_By_Moonlight_Machzor_Review_Part_2_Additions_to_Kedushat_Hayom_Elul_5776.docx

Dedicated in memory of Mrs. Florence Keilson, z"l.

The first part of this shiur, on the Bracha of Kedushat Hashem in the Machzor, was delivered on Shabbat. The sourcesheets for Part 1 are as follows:

Download Machzor_By_Moonlight_Machzor_Review_Part_1_Additions_to_Kedushat_Hashem_Elul_5776.docx


Teshuva Lecture by Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beit Din of CRC, at Congregation Or Torah - Tishrei 5778: Must We Forgive?

Download Teshuva_Lecture_Rabbi_Reiss_at_Or_Torah_-_Must_We_Forgive.MP3


Rosh Hashana Day 1 - Masa HaChaim: On Emuna and Kehilla - RH 5778

Download Masa_HaChaim_on_Emuna_and_Kehilla_-_RH5778Day1.MP3

15 min 40 sec

Part of "The Journey" Series

Drasha of Rosh Hashana 5778 Day 1, as recorded after yom tov


Rosh Hashana Day 2 - Walking Al Derech haAvot On Erev Shabbat - RH 5778

Download Walking_Al_Derech_HaAvot_on_Erev_Shabbat_-_RH5778Day2.MP3

16min 55sec

Part of "The Journey" Series

Drasha of Rosh Hashana 5778 Day 2, as recorded after yom tov


At Kol Nidrei - On the Clocks and the Bracha of Time - YHK 5778

Download On_the_Clocks_and_the_Bracha_of_Time_YHK5778Kol_Nidrei.MP3

14min 02sec

Part of "The Journey" Series

Drasha of Yom HaKippurim 5778 at Kol Nidrei as recorded after yom tov


Yizkor on Yom Hakippurim - Paving a Path Forward by Writing a Better Past - YHK 5778

Download Paving_a_Path_Forward_By_Writing_a_Better_Past_YHK5778PreYizkor.MP3

19 min 38 sec

Part of "The Journey" Series

Drasha of Yom HaKippurim 5778 at Kol Nidrei as recorded after yom tov


Yamim Noraim Tefillot from the Siddur : L'David Hashem Ori - Tehillim 27

Download Yamim_Noraim_Tefilot_from_Siddur_of_David_Tehillim_27_LDavid_Hashem_Ori.MP3

Download Yamim_Noraim_Tefilot_from_the_Siddur_of_David_HaMelech_Part_1_LDavid_Hashem_Ori.pdf


Yamim Noraim Tefillot from the Siddur of David HaMelech:Mimaamakim Kraaticha Hashem - Tehillim 130

Download Yamim_Noraim_Tefilot_from_the_Siddur_of_David_Hamelech_Tehillim_130.MP3

Download Yamim_Noraim_Tefilot_from_the_Siddur_of_David_HaMelech_Part_2_Mimaamakim_Kraticha_Hashem.pdf

L'ilui Nishmat Florence Keilson - Feige Leah Bat Zev z"l


Pre-Selichot Drasha Elul 5778

Download Pre_Selichot_Drasha_Elul_5778.MP3

כל המבקש רחמים על חבירו והוא צריך לאותו דבר, הוא נענה תחילה

.בבא קמא דף צב --


HaMelech BaSadeh: The King is in the Field

Download HaMelech_BaSadeh_Elul_5779.MP3

Download HaMelech_BaSadeh_Elul_5779.pdf

This shiur was recorded on Thursday, 19 Elul - Sept 19, 2019, then presented again on Shabbat 21 Elul


Pre-Selichot Drasha Elul 5779

Download Pre_Selichot_Drasha_Elul_5779.MP3


Choose Life! Bechira uBechiya bRosh Hashana

Download Choose_Life__Bechira_uBechia_bRosh_Hashana_fm_Pachad_Yitzchak_RH_7.MP3

Download Choose_Life_-_Pachad_Yitzchak_RH_7_Elul_5779.pages


Teshuva Lecture by Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beit Din of CRC, at Congregation Or Torah - Tishrei 5780: Finding Meaning in Life

Download R_Yona_Reiss_at_OT_Finding_Meaning_in_Life_-_Teshuva_Drasha_5780.MP3


שיר חדש לסדר העבודה - A New Song for the Order of Service - Shabbat Shuva 5780


Download Shir_Chadash_lSeder_Avoda_A_New_Song_for_the_Order_of_Service_-_Redux_of_Shabbat_Shuva_Drasha_5780.MP3

Download Shabbat_Shuva_Drasha_5780_TRANSLATION___COVER_Seder_HaAvoda_FINAL_PRINT.pdf

Download Shabbat_Shuva_5780_CHART_HEBREW_AND_ENGLISH_of_Seder_HaAvoda_FINAL_PRINT.pdf


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784